Third International Shamanic Gathering, Oracle 2006

Oracle Village - Offerings and Ceremonies

Below is a tentative schedule of our days together at Oracle. This is to provide us with some idea of the focus for our ceremonies and the kind of offerings we will be doing. This page will be undergoing frequent revision as village members send us descriptions of offerings and as the ceremonies are further developed.

Offerings are coordinated by Susan Gilliland ( and Pirkko Miller (

Tentative Oracle Village Schedule – Subject to Change!!

Arrival and check in – 3pm – 6pm
Dinner: 6pm
Village Gathering and Opening Ceremony: 8-10pm

Drum up Sun: sunrise
Breakfast: 8-9am
Village Gathering: 9:00 am (in dining hall)
Morning Offerings: 10:00-12:00
Lunch: 12:30
Afternoon Offerings: 2:30-4:30pm
Dinner: 6pm
Evening Ceremony: 8-10pm

Drum up sun: sunrise
Breakfast: 8-9am
Village Gathering: 9:00 am
Morning Offerings: 10:00-12:00
Lunch: 12:30
Afternoon Offerings: 2:30-4:30pm
Dinner 6pm
Evening Ceremony: 8-10pm

Drum up sun: sunrise
Breakfast: 8-9am
Closing Çeremony:9:30-11:00
Village Cleanup: 11:00-12:30
Lunch: 12:30
Departure after lunch

Preliminary Offering Schedule

The list of offerings below is for two purposes:

1) If you are interesting in leading and/or participating in one of these offerings, please contact Pirkko or Susan.

2) If there is some shamanic activity, not listed below, that you would like to do with others as an Offering, please send a description of this to Pirkko or Susan.

Bookmark this page: at some point we will be listing the name and contact for the specific individual (s) who are leading an Offering so that village members can contact them directly if interested.

Friday – Honoring the Ancestors

Morning Session 10:00 – 12:00:

1. Making Manifest our Prayers - craft a prayer stick honoring the ancestors for this evening's ceremony. Make prayer ties.

2. Songs of the Ancestors - journey, retrieve and share songs from our ancestors

3. Native American Flute - learn, share and play together (contact: Bob Edgar:

4. Construct Turtle/Medicine Wheel for the village

5. Opportunity to Journey
(The Village needs one or two people who will provide drumming for those wishing to journey. The Offering time begins, if needed, with a description of how to journey. Journey beat begins every half hour to help us hold sacred space and prepare ourselves for ceremony.)

6. Plant Medicine - engaging with our Desert Plant Ancestors (contact: Nancy

7, Other offerings as village members submit..

Afternoon Session 2:30 – 4:30:

1. Making Manifest Our Prayers – continued

2. Healing of our Ancestors – a time to work at healing the wounds of our
lineages (contact: Pirkko Miller:

3. Ancestor Stories – share our stories

4. Construct Turtle/Medicine Wheel for the village – continued

5. Healing Circle – opportunity for members of the village to receive
shamanic healing

6. Other offerings as village members submit

Saturday Offerings – Making of Right Relations

Morning Session 10:00 – 12:00

1. Making manifest our prayers – make seed planting sticks and seed packets for give-away; make prayer ties

2. Native American Flute – learn, share and play together

3. Construct turtle/medicine wheel for the village

4. Journey space – The drums will hold the intention. Journey beat begins every 1/2 hour to allow us to hold sacred this time together and prepare ourselves for ceremony

5. Other offerings as village members submit

Afternoon Session 2:30 – 4:30

1. Making manifest our prayers – continued

2. Walking the Medicine Wheel – an introduction to the power of the wheel (contact: Susan Gilliland:

3. Construct turtle for the village – continued

4. Healing circle – opportunity for members of the village to receive
shamanic healing

5. Other offerings as village members submit

Sharings from Oracle 2002 - images and writings from the Oracle Village to share with others in the Web of Circles
Oracle 2000
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